Hello and welcome to my page for Romance Help....Below you will find nice links to things that wll help the cause of romance!! Flowers, Cards, Gifts, Vacations, Meeting Places, Things to keep in-touch.....and quess what?? They are FREE

Links to other sites of the Web
Yahoo Chat!! Find Friends and Lovers!!!*****GET COLOUR FILEHERE*****
ICQ...A must for the serious romantic...Always keep in touch with your love on the internet!!
ICHAT Pager, keeps you intouch. Never be apart from friends or lovers!!
PowWow, another chat area for lovers! Has live voice too!!
Electronic cards at their best...One for every occasion..Music is included!!
Flower, verse, and music all in one...If this dosen't work you're in trouble!!
Just Pretty flowers for any occasion. Make someone's day!!
Send your love a vacation!! Maybe you can join the fun...
Be creataive, send them a present they will never forget!!
Lot of nice greeting cards here,,,try them out!
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